- Markus Blaha
- Alexandra Bogner
- Paul Bono
- Laura Buczynski
- Angelika Cech
- Laura Diessl
- Stephanie Edelhofer
- Sarah Katharina Eder
- Nike Eisenhart
- Christina Ganster
- Tobias Gollner
- Lena Haizinger
- Selina Hilber
- Matthias Hofer
- Lara Hofmann
- Kathleen Hogan
- Anna-Lisa Högler
- Felix Huber
- Lena Kalt
- Michael Kerndl
- Auris Kunisch
- Nora Kurzweil
- Johannes Leitgeb
- Milana Maksiutova
- Ariana Martín Lobera
- Flora Fee Mayrhofer
- Dimitrij Muraschov
- Melanie Mürling
- Johanna Salome Nowak
- Leonie Picher
- Tanja Ploner
- Anna Purkert
- Rosa Reiter
- Christina Romirer
- Sophie Sieder
- Ricarda Katharina Studeny
- Magdalena Triendl
- Clara Wittmann
- Anna Ziener

Nora Kurzweil

- Language skills
- German (native), English (C2), Spanish (C1), French+Turkish (basics)
- Previous occupation
- Szenenbild für Film, Fernsehen, div. Musikvideos, Imagefilme, Werbung Szenenbild Assistenz, Aussenrequisite, Innenrequisite, Set Dresser für Werbung Requisitenbau 2018-2021 Lehrende an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste/Bildhauerei freischaffende Künstlerin Bühnenbild, Ausstellungsdesign, Kostümdesign, Location Scout
- Bildmaterial
- Zusammenarbeit
- Production Design
- 2015
- Der Graben: Zwei Volksgruppen, eine Geschichte (2015)
- B. Sommer, TV
- B. Sommer
- TV
- Production Design Assistant
- 2022
- Pioniere
- S. Köllnreitner, TV
- S. Köllnreitner
- TV
- Art Direction Assistant
- 2021
- Tutti per Uma
- E. Senger-Weiss, Cinema
- E. Senger-Weiss
- Cinema
- Locationscout
- 2021
- Walking on Sunshine 31 - 34
- C. Raiber, TV
- C. Raiber
- TV
- Other Projects
- 2015
- 2015
- 2014
Sweet Survival - Kurzspielfilm - Szenenbild
- Österreich/Großbrittanien, 2021
, Other Project
- https://www.sweetsurvival-film.com
- Director
- Katharina Gerlich
- Production Company
- Strange River Productions
- Production Design
- Project description
- Kurzfilm On a cold afternoon in a dystopian future, a group of women go about their daily business at a run-down petrol station when a hungry young man tries to rob them. They quickly overpower him and to his surprise invite him to join them for dinner. As they sit together at the kitchen table it slowly dawns on the young man that these women do not just sell petrol. After his discovery the situation quickly gets out of control.